Friday 29 January 2016

Kerning & Leading


Kerning - The adjustment of horizontal space between individual characters in a line of text.
Adjustments in kerning as especially important in large displays and headline text lines. Without kerning adjustments is to create visually equal spaces in between all better, so the eye can move smoothly along the text.

In my front cover drafts, I used the kerning tool to make the lettering fit in my pug, for advertisement, as I was too big to fit to size. Kerning was very useful to me because, this way the font size doesn't have to be adjusted, the lettering just gets closer together.


Leading - The amount of space added between line of text to make the document legible. The term originally referred to the thin lead spacers that printers used to physically increase space between lines of mental type
Most applications automatically apply standard leading based on the page, but this decreases the legibility.
Looser leading spreads texts out to fill the page and makes its easier for the viewer to read.

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